February 24, 2014

Click here to see all posts about "The slight edge" by Jeff Olson

You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life

How I struggled as a kid

Probably, I should give you more details about who I was so that you can see the big improvement. Since I was a little kid, I heard people telling me this all the time: “Johnny, he is so shy. He doesn’t talk much”. They were right. There were only a few people that I felt comfortable expressing myself with. During outdoor activities, I would usually stand in a corner or a shadow, watching other people playing and having fun. I didn’t want to join them because I was afraid that I would screw up and become a joke for everyone. I’m pretty sure some of you have been a joke for everyone before, or you found it amusing to make someone become a joke, right? GUYS, DON’T EVER PUT ANYONE IN THAT SITUATION. To the person being joked, it’s not funny at all and it will damage their personality and who they will become in the future. It will also create hatred and that’s one of the reasons why some people become serial killer. PROMISE me, never make somebody become a joke, and if you see someone being put in that situation, just step inside and protect them and they will be very grateful to you

Get rid of bullying once and for all

 I remembered once, I was surrounded by a group of guys trying to pull my pants off and I saw a friend standing behind the group. He was laughing at first, but then he realized that the joke had gone too far. I still remember his facial expression, changed from a “smile face” to a “sympathetic face”. Thank god! There was still a human in him. He then ran to the teacher and reported what was happening, and I was finally saved. There were several other times in my life that I got bullied by people. To be honest, I often had thoughts of killing anyone who ever bullied me and teased me. I had thoughts of using a knife and stabbing them a thousand times. My friend, did you have similar thoughts before? Luckily, I still have some people who offered me so much love that gave me hope in life. Having been bullied before, I feel sorry for this kid :((

Have you ever wanted to change, but didn't know how?

I kept being the same person though out my school life. When I was in high school, I chose to sit at the corner of the class so that I wouldn’t have to interact with other people. When I had to do group work, I didn’t say much either and I felt really stupid and worthless to them. I was so shy that I didn’t even know how to start a conversation.  And if somebody asked me a question, I would just give them a quick answer and then kept silent again. Even the first 2 years staying in Canada, I didn’t change much either. I used to have a job washing dishes at a Vietnamese restaurant. I didn’t talk much with my co-workers either, and sometimes I felt left out. I was very disappointed about my situation and I DESPERATELY wanted to become more outgoing, but I didn’t know how. I had high grades in school but I was failing with people skills. I was SAD! I was so so SAD!

Stay strong, things will get well soon

My friend, can you relate to my story above? Were you like that before? Be strong my friend! Keep reading motivational books! One day you will experience some breakthroughs. Or maybe you have always been out-going, do you know any shy friend like that? I know it’s not easy to talk with people like me. But if you act as a good listener around them, you show them that you care about them, and you must be patient at the same time. They eventually feel comfortable around you and maybe you can start to take them to parties, networking events to help them become more outgoing!

How to choose friends and increase your network

Now that you know more about who I was, let’s get back to The Slight Edge. One principle the book talks about is people who you hang out with will determine who you are. None of my close friends were out-going at all. When I read the book, I finally understood why my parents had been telling me to “choose friends to hang out with”. If you hang out with positive people, people who constantly improve themselves, then you will also become a better person. If you hang out with negative people, people who have no goals in life and are fine with where they are at, then you will be pulled down to their level. 

I decided to hang out with Jersey more often. He is a very nice, friendly, out-going guy and he is very driven to be successful.  Month after month, Jersey had introduced me to several other friends and I started to get better at communicating with people. I have learnt to make a first impression when meeting new people, to make better eye contact, to shake hands firmly, to ask open ended questions which allow people to talk more about themselves, to be a good listener, and to connect with people better through F.O.R:  “Family, Occupation, Recreation”. I have become much more outgoing!! Some of my friends told me that: “Hey Johnny, you have changed! You are different from whom I can remember a year ago”. So yeah, look at people who you are hanging out with right now. Are they helping you move toward your dreams, or are they taking you away from your dreams? For a bit of fun, see the video below about networking :)

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