April 29, 2014

Know your personal values and align your life around them!


I noticed that I was a very spontaneous person. I remember in one of my psychology courses, I learned about FEELER and THINKER, which are two categories identified based on how an individual processes information and makes decisions. I iconed myself as a FEELER right away, because I know myself so well. I don’t think; I feel.

This FEELER habit governed my daily routine. Or, I would say, no routine was my routine. I had so many interests and hobbies, such as basketball, magic, guitar, and so on. When I felt like I wanted to play some card magic, I would grab a deck of cards, and stand in the washroom, in front of the mirror, for a couple hours. When I felt like play some music, I would grab my guitar, sat down on the couch, and play a few chords. Sometimes I even postponed or canceled my appointments just because I felt like I wanted to sleep more. I started to find excuses, or even tell lies to make myself feel better. Consequences? Things pile up, and my creditability went down.

Begin with the End in Mind: Self-discover and clarify your deeply important character values and life goals. Envision the ideal characteristics for each of your various roles and relationships in life.

When I was listening to this audio book, one thing makes me ponder for so long: who will attend my funeral? Who will give a speech?  How people will talk about me? This is the so-called Begin with the End in Mind Habit, which helps me identify my biggest personal values in life.

 I started to set my personal values for work, business, relationship, and my personal life, and make sure that I will develop a habit of making decision based on my values rather than my feelings. In life, we always have choices to make, some are difficult, and some are easy. When we are facing difficult choices, ask ourselves these questions: What is my personal values? Does my choice add values or decrease values in my life? What are the natural consequences of my choices? Which consequence weights more? By asking ourselves these questions, we make better decisions, and make sure that our choices align with our ultimate goals and dreams!

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